language and communication (or lack thereof) plays a huge part in the motherland. generally speaking, the languages shown to the reader will be translated in a form that makes sense to the character’s POV. basically the reader is generally in the dark to the same degree as the characters are.
each language (there are potentially like 7-12) has its own alphabet that will represent it when the characters don’t understand it. there are even different dialects of the same language where two characters may have an extremely difficult time understanding each other (eg creole to scottish) where some letters will appear as english with others as ‘unstranslated’ to seem like an accent. I use fonts from real life languages courtesy of google noto. It makes more sense to me to use a real life language that has been in use for X centuries instead of some random made up alphabet.
The non-english text is not made to be translated irl by the reader and I’m sure is total nonsense to a native speaker of the real life language. That said, I am trying to use alphabets that are either dead or so incredibly obscure to the audience that it will be almost impossible for that confusion to happen. The feeling is more important than what is actually said if you run it through google translate or whatever. And where accents and foreign languages are concerned I’ll try to make it obvious through context that the reader isn’t required to do so in order to understand the story.

Imperial Aramaic (extinct) and Kaithi (mostly extinct) will be likely seen the most. The Rene and Avato languages are the main ones used in the story, even by other nations who speak other languages natively. they are basically the greek or english of their day.